
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

10 Things KR Kids Learn to Love about Their School

Welcome back to withasunnyside! 

If you're a new reader, welcome, I am so excited you're here!!
I've been attending King's Ridge since 3rd grade (I am now a junior). I've stuck around through the building changes and high school construction and over time have began to love so many things about where I go everyday. 

10. Having to wait half of my lunch period in the lunch line. I definitely couldn't do it if the food wasn't good! Well worth the wait. 

9.  Late arrival- Who doesn't love to sleep in? 8am on Wednesday mornings feels way better than 6:30am every other day. 

8. Wearing a Uni- As stupid as it sounds wearing a uniform rocks. I don't know what I would do if I had to pick out a different outfit everyday. It would be torture! I wouldn't have enough clothes!!

7. No such thing as free books here- The upside to paying for your books includes the ability to doodle in them without penalty, no fear of losing them at the end of the year, or placing them in the giant pile from previous years in the corner of your room (some call it a bookshelf). Oh and did I mention we get a sweet Amazon Prime membership out of the deal?

6. The  CLA's- Jordan and Callan rock. I feel like I'm hanging out with my friends when I'm with them. It's nice that we have adults around who are almost teenagers and relate and hangout with us. One of the major blessings at the Ridge.

5. Free ice cream- there isn't even an explanation needed for this. Although, whose idea was only Monday, Wednesday, and Friday? KR Students need this daily! 

4.  Support from Faculty and Staff- This goes alongside feeling like I'm at home. A learning environment where I feel supported my staff is awesome, it's so encouraging to know the people who teach you are there to support you and help you succeed!

3. Being on student government- Being apart of school student government is one of my favorite things about school. I like being surrounded by people who are willing to work hard to benefit the rest of the high school. It's super fun to plan the events all year long that everyone enjoys.

3b. Did I mention late arrival? It's worth the double mention.

2. Small groups- Although my grade is small, I enjoy spending time a smaller group of girls in my grade.

1. Feeling like I'm at home- I've been at King's Ridge since 3rd grade; coming to school in the morning is home to me. My friends are here- it almost feels like family.

Thanks for reading this post. If you're a high schooler, I promise a time will come where you learn to love your school. 


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