
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Second Semester Strugs

High school: 
Nothing seems to work quite right in a high school building. The heaters only work during the summer and the air conditioning only works in the winter. 
- High school is also the place where the stress of growing up and the stress of fitting in join forces to destroy even the strongest among us. 

I copied parts of the urban dictionary definition of high school, the parts that I agreed with at least. I don't know everything about high school, trust me, but I get what it's like. I agree with the statements above. Some days it seems like absolutely nothing is going right, whether it's the heating and air conditioning, the lunch food, or another failed bio test.  The things I've come to realize at a heightened level in the past few weeks (besides that I might have had a little too optimistic of an attitude about school) is that high school is a serious whirl wind of emotions. Not that you didn't already know that, or maybe you didn't. I'm a super emotional person, I cry on a regular basis primarily because I'm sensitive and I get my feelings hurt easily, but also because my heart gets disappointed in the smallest of things. I've learned with a heart that isn't really connected with my brain that I make a lot more of my decisions based on what my heart tells me and that I act on my heart. Some days I want my head to understand and deal with what my heart doesn't need and it just doesn't happen. I think that with a heart like mine you have to be careful because I do get my feelings hurt so easily. 

I've learned the power of a thank you and one singular text and how that can completely turn my day around. I've learned that people more often times than not will let you down. I've learned that sometimes you have to squeeze the truth out of people you trust. I've learned to value friendships for what they are, not who introduced you. I've learned to embrace new opportunities with an optimistic attitude. I've learned that anger doesn't solve anything and sometimes silence is your best option. I've learned that people are probably gonna tell you they won't talk behind your back, and they still do. I've learned to be incredibly thankful for long lasting friendships, but also to be okay with starting to let go of others. And I think most importantly what I'm learning and still learn everyday is to let go and let God. Every single one of those things I've learned is something that I need to surrender to Him. I struggle to wrap my head around that on most days, but it's exactly what He wants. 

As I write l those out, I realize that in lots of those situations I want to run (not for exercise), but from the Lord. I heard a message recently about how us running from the Lord relates directly back to Luke 15 with the parable of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the prodigal son. The thing I walked away with most from that message is the significance of one lost sheep out of 100 and one lost coin (which doesn't seem like much) are so important in realizing how the Lord chases for us. I'm a little all over the place, but I've also spent the last three days in my bible class watching The Passion of the Christ. The movie itself is really intense, but it's the most graphic representation of His love for us. Jesus bared the cross for us, for us not to run during the times we want to, and for us to bear close to Him in those situations when it seems the hardest. Random and a little all over the place, I know. 

To end right back where we started... My definition of high school. 

High school: the place people say you'll find out who your real friends are, the place you learn to deal with relationships between friends, boys, parents, the place you'll feel more stressed than you ever have before, the place some days you don't feel like you can deal with, the place you receive failing grades you don't think you deserve, and the place you begin to discover who you are. 

I don't know how you view high school, and my view of it has changed a little this year. Just as my view has changed in the last few months, it will change again and I know that. Yours may change too! Second semester has been great in most ways, but it's also showed me more things than I probably wanted to know. The best part about it all is while in high school ya live, and ya learn. If you aren't sure what you're view of high school is, I'd encourage you to look to find it. 

- AK

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