
Sunday, August 17, 2014

20 Things You Should Know About Me:

A couple months back I started thinking about writing a blog, after much thought and lots of research I've decided to blog my first post on with a sunny side.

I decided to name my blog with a sunny side because I like to have fun and love to laugh. These simple requests often are a sunny side. I know you're probably thinking that the only thing you ever heard about a sunny side is sunny side up with eggs, thats not the case here. My hope is you come to realize that experiences often come with a sunny side and I hope that you come to enjoy the sunny side! 

20 Things You Should Know About Me: 

1. I'm a very picky eater.
2. I have a Pinterest obsession.
3. I'm an avid fan of the Georgia Bulldogs.
4. I have a bob that I'm in love with. 
5. I drive a Rogue named Ruby and she rocks.
6. I love chocolate milk.
7. Someday I wanna pursue a career in pediatrics. 
8. I love to read.
9. I'm a country music lover.
10. I'm very specific about instagramming. Unless I have a solid caption, I won't post.
11. Typically my wardrobe changes are from one pair of norts and a tshirt to another.
12. I'm always the friend to say, "we need to take a picture."
13. My go-to restaurant is always California Pizza Kitchen.
14. I never wear heels.
15. I love to travel.
16. My family rocks.
17. I will monogram anything!
18. I only drink 2 Starbucks drinks- passion tea lemonade & double chocolate chip frap with no whip. 
19. I like to plan events and be in charge! 
20. I'm very excited to start blogging and would love tips and suggestions on what you want to read about! 

Thanks so much for reading my first blog post, 
