
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

High School is Easy

Welcome back readers,

Myth: High school is easy.

I don't know what to say besides high school isn't easy, or if it is than you aren't challenging yourself in ways you should. If you're signing up for classes in hopes that you can just show up and pass than you need to re-evaluate. I know that right now, it seems like my junior year is killing me. In this moment as I write this blog I'm taking a break from studying for an anatomy test. Even on my least busiest weeks, I'm still busy. I consistently have homework and am having to put lots of energy into classes. The reason I do it? 1. Because I know that in order to go to a good school that leads to a successful career, my grades now need to be good. 2. Because I had the choice to take classes this year that actually interested me (mainly my sciences). Mrs. Fedas, if you're reading this, I appreciate your passion for what you do. It leads me to be passionate about it too!

In the midst of the craziness, we forget how blessed we are in our circumstances. I'm sure you've heard the "too blessed to be stressed" saying & the more stressed I get the more I realize this. I hate being stressed about school, I don't like the way it makes me feel or the lack of sleep I get, but I love the sense of accomplishment I get from studying hard and getting a good grade on a test. Sometimes we have to sacrifice things like sleep and a Friday night with friends in order to achieve bigger accomplishments. Don't get me wrong, sleep is important. Take advantage of other opportunities for naps!

Another reason why high school is such a struggle these days is because of extra cirriculars, there are so many other things besides school that we want to be doing, trust me I know. Often times it's hard to balance between school, sports, and sometimes work. When you get stressed and think you need to give up, take a deep breath and realize that LIFE GOES ON. Although it's hard and you will be pushed until you want to give up, there is not a moment that goes by where you shouldn't be grateful.

With that being said, sometimes it's extremely hard to discipline ourselves in not only school, but other things. It's important to realize that all of our hard work is going to bring on great things for the future. It might be the immediate future affecting your grade or the long term future of college which leads to career sucess. Discipline now leads to success later.

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