
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tips for Positivity featuring Kenna!

Welcome back y'all,

I'm so excited on introducing you to my first guest blogger!! This is such a cool thing for me because I could've never dreamed about welcoming a guest blogger. Kenna is a great friend to me, not only does she make me explode with laughter, but she has a positive spirt and a heart that chases the Lord. I hope you enjoy what she has to say on positivity.

Take advantage of these tips because man does she know what she's talking about!

PS, thanks for visiting Ken, can't wait to have you back!!

Hi Blog!
My name is Kenna Coe (you might recognize me from my many appearances on this blog). As a best friend of Anna Kate, I have been an avid follower of With a Sunny Side since day one. I am not a blogger, but I wanted to give it a shot, so here goes my “15 minutes of (blogging) fame!”
I thought With a Sunny Side followers could use some inspiration about positivity and staying on the “sunny side” of everyday life. So, here are 5 tips on ways to stay happy!    

1.  Mindset: One way to stay positive is to remind yourself of how blessed you are. Once a day, write down something you are thankful for. The easiest way to do this is to keep a reminder on your phone and just type up something quick before you go to bed. If you want something more permanent, you can try writing it down in a notebook, so you will have a list of blessings to look back on. (try the “one line a day 5 year memory notebook” at target for $16.95, or purchase it online here)

2. Attitude: For me, it is so easy to let small problems change my whole mood. I will spill my coffee and my whole day will be ruined unless I can find a new shirt. The best advice I have heard is simple “just move on.” If you don’t let the small things bother you, your day will improve 100%.

3. Perspective: Ask yourself “is what I’m upset about going to affect me in the long run?” If the answer is no, then you should not waste time on it now. If the answer is yes, find out a way to fix the problem now before it has the opportunity to affect you in the future. Oftentimes, we realize how blessed our situation is when we take a step back and put our thoughts in perspective.

4. Present: Live in the present. Think of each day as a clean slate. Your past should not define the way you are living today. There are so many unhappy people that are weighed down by old baggage. Don’t waste your future living in the past. Also, tomorrow is not today. I am a huge worrier, but I have learned that most of the things I worry about don’t actually happen. Why waste a perfect day worrying about tomorrow?   

5. Surroundings: I saved this one for last because I think it is the most important. The people you surround yourself with will affect your mood. Always be there for your friends, but if you feel their daily negativity is impacting you, take a minute to reevaluate this person’s position in your life. This also goes both ways. Live in such a way that you uplift your friends and the people around you by your actions. I am so blessed with the people in my life and their continuous positivity.

One last reminder: enjoy the little things. Listen to your favorite songs millions of times until they get old. Enjoy every last bite of your hot glazed donut from Krispy Kreme. Call your grandparents (we all know how much they would love that). Don’t take sunny days for granted and go on a walk or spend time outside. Snap an artsy pic of the sunrise or sunset (#coolsky). My kind of wise boyfriend once told me, “enjoy the little things in life because there’s not enough big things in the world.”

This is not a secret cure for bad days because they are inevitable, but hopefully I have given y’all something to think about next time you find yourself down. Your state of mind is determined by you, and your positivity will rub off on others!

Follow my “write it down” board on Pinterest to find all of these quotes plus many more :)

Thanks for reading!

Peace out, Kenna 

1 comment:

  1. Great Advice Kenna. Thanks for trying your hand at blogging. Very inspirational.
