
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

My High Five

I'm back y'all!

I hope you enjoyed the guest appearance from Kenna yesterday. I'm so happy to have welcomed my best friend to my blog! I loved having her here and I hope that you enjoyed what she had to say.

I wanna go over why I picked my life wins last week. This are completely random and make no sense together. These follow the exact list I posted last week (find it here!) Thanks Lu for the smart thinking on the blog title, love you!!

1. Ice cream is always a good idea.

I don't even know how to expand on this one. Ice cream is good for crying over heartbreaking movies, or celebrating a birthday. It's always a good idea. Snap an artsy pic of your ice cream before you eat it!

I hate that you can't see the whole picture, but doesn't that look SOO GOOD?

2. Your best friend should always tell you the honest truth, regardless of if it is good or bad.

This is a lesson I continue to learn everyday, mostly when I'm struggling with telling a friend something. I constantly remind myself that I need to be honest with a friend if I expect that friend to be honest. If you tell the truth with friends than you are more likely to avoid stupid girl drama.

3. Always try to filter what comes out of your mouth, you never know, it might come back and bite you in the booty.

The picture I think sums up all I have to say, you don't always have to comment back on something someone says. I realize this is hard because often times it is hard for me to close my mouth and walk away from the situation. This is also true when it comes to gossiping. I know in high school it is one of the hardest things to avoid, but if you filter the words and thoughts that come out of your mouth then you will avoid drama and have a better reputation. Gossipers are never well thought of!

4. If you love the outfit, wear it again. Even if it is the second day in a row, just make sure you won't run into the same people!

You obviously buy clothes that you like, so that gives you the reason to wear it a million times. Wear what you love, it doesn't matter what other people say. They aren't the ones wearing the outfit. Your outfits are on your body and you have the right to dress yourself however you want.

5. Your instagram is for you, post what you want when you want. - Lucy Martin

This might be my favorite for the week. This line sticks with me whenever I think about social media or anything like that. Lucy knows the truth and I appreciate her for teaching me this. Your instagram is for you, it has your user name on it. What does that mean? It means that it doesn't matter what you post on instagram as long as your like it or how many likes you get (trust me, I know we want likes!). You are not valued based on the likes you get on your instapost or the favorites on your tweets. You rock and are not defined based on what you post. I also think of my instagram as an online scrapbook, that means that its real and its your life and you love it. Don't be phased by the negative crap people post on your posts or any of that. You do you!!

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