
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Optimistic Outlook at the End of 2014

If I haven't shared my whole life with you already, this post is about to make it all very real. I started thinking I would post about the top moments of 2014 and my sweet best friend told me that was a crappy idea because no reader could relate (her blunt side). She told me instead that I should write about the most difficult things that happened to me this year and how I overcame them and sitting where I am today happy as a clam.

I'm writing from Parkland, Florida because my very best friend in the whole world moved here right after our sophomore year. Probably the biggest struggle of my whole year because even today on Dec 30 when I am spending time with her, it sucks to know that I'll have to go home and we'll be 662 miles apart, again. You never think stuff like this will happen to you because I thought it wouldn't happen to me and the day I said goodbye to my best friend for who knows how long might have been one of the hardest days I've experienced. We said goodbye in May and honestly it kinda felt like she was just leaving on a vacation, until school started in August and she wasn't there. I won't give you all the details or the amount of times I've found myself crying over how much I miss her, but what I can tell you is that stuff like this happens and you think it will be the hardest thing ever and for a while it will be. Mallary and I talk every single day and it feels (now after months of living apart) like in some aspects we still do high school together. Typically you would have to work hard at salvaging a friendship like ours, but with the help of frequent talks and 3 visits between Atlanta and Parkland, I can honestly tell you that our friendship isn't any different. I won't avoid the truth because somedays are a lot worse than others and sometimes the hurt we feel from being apart feels like it will never dissipate, but our friendship has prevailed. I am so thankful for that and the friends she's made in Parkland and those who have surrounded me in Georgia because it has made the transition a lot easier.

The second most challenging and heartbreaking thing I dealt with in 2014 was heartbreak. I dated the same guy for 18 months (a long time, I know!!). We broke up at the beginning of our junior year. I can tell you one thing, they don't call it heartbreak for no reason. I've never felt anything that literally broke my heart like that ever before. The days after were tough, telling friends, explaining what happened, even making it through the day without tears was so challenging. It probably took me about a month to realize that sitting around feeling sad for myself and my achy breaky heart wouldn't solve anything. I think everyone expected me to be more sad for a lot longer, my family included. I mean what do you expect? What I came to realize is that neither of us did anything wrong you just come to realize at some point that you are better apart than together and we did. For a while I forgot that I could do things on my own and I find myself today doing things completely different. I think if you talked to the people surrounding me they would tell you that I am not the same girl as I was in the relationship. We always had fun together, but I find myself having more fun surrounded by friends and family than I ever did when we were together. I am incredibly thankful for the friends who surrounded me during this dark couple of weeks in 2014 and I am so happy to say that I am independent and I wouldn't have it any other way, atleast for now.

I always like to try to expand my friend group and for the longest time it was kind of a struggle, I always had a set friend group. When 2 girls in our group moved before school this year I found myself trying to expand. I've created such strong friendships this year and although sometimes challenging (especially with 20 girls in your grade) I love the girls I surround myself with and the laughs we have together, especially the heated lunch table convos. 

I'd be lying if I told you that these rough moments made 2014 suck, because it hasn't. Out of these hard moments I've gained such huge things. I've spend time with my best friend in her city and in mine that can never be replaced. I channeled my broken heart towards things that mended it (blog). I have created such strong friendships. On some days, I let these moments catch up to me and they get the best of me, but what I didn't tell you is the highlights of this year, and those made up for every low moment 

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