
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Life on Skis

Greetings from the place where your nose is always runny, the temperature is below 35, that elevation is above 5,000 and the scenery is indescribable. From the first two on the list you might be thinking Atlanta, but if you haven't connected the dots that it isn't Atlanta and instead Colorado.... Greetings from Beaver Creek, Colorado.

For all you skiers out there, chances are you'll understand what I'm talking about in this post. If you haven't ever been skiing, I'll try to fill you in quick. You get 2 skis and 2 poles and it's every man for himself from the top of the mountain to the bottom at the lift. Skiing has never been one of my favorite things, but for some reason my whole family loves it (leads me to build on the case that I might have been adopted). I'm not sure why they love it so. For me, it's way too cold. I put on those heavy ski boots and have to trudge (not sure if thats a word) to the mountain and then after one run my calves are on fire!!! Like come on how could they love that feeling? This year my lovely mom made me add poles to the mix.... keep in mind I'm an amateur skier. Turns out I was fine, my body is ridiculously sore, and at times I was very crabby, but I made it.

If you ski often you'd know that the mountains are judged I guess you would say based on their difficulty starting a green all the way to black diamond. If you know me, you'd probably be able to conclude from what I've told you about my ski abilities that I typically would prefer to stick to the greens. With a fearless family like mine and a girl who always wants to get her way (these two are mutually exclusive in this situation), you can come to the conclusion that I didn't get to ski greens all week. What I've realized this week is that I'm a lot more fearful than fearless and my knees are so weak. I've also had some deep thoughts about life while trying to manage my way down some big mountains.

I've started to figure out that life is very much like skiing. Life is filled with greens (the easiest situations), blues (the more complicated), and blacks (the most complicated, situations we hate). Whether we like it or not, the black always exists. They're the most difficult situations to deal with and we struggle to make it through (or so we think at the time). I didn't ski any blacks this week, trust me, but if you've been keeping up with my blog since late December you could conclude that I've had some blacks. I've hated every second of them and at moments thought I might not survive.... dramatic I know. What we forget to recognize when we deal with these tough situations is that there are flat parts between mountains. The hardest part about the blacks is that from the top things look rough, full of bumps and complicated to deal with. Not that I skied any blacks this week, but if I could give one piece of advice, I would say that in order to make it down the blacks we need our friends and family to help us get down there. I've gotten out of the blacks and I'm cruising right now, the flat land is treating me good. I'm laughing a lot, and have so many reasons to smile and I have great friends to accredit that to. 

This post might be a little bit of a stretch, and I get that. If you could walk away from this with anything it would be to power through the blacks and make it to the flat land. The flat parts are gonna treat you a lot better than you imagine. You are in charge of how you make it down the mountain, take control! 

All my love from Colorado,


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