
Monday, November 10, 2014

AK's Declassified School Survival Guide

See what I did there?? Basically Ned from Ned's Declassified...

Welcome back y'all,

I'm so so happy you're here to read what I have to say about HIGH SCHOOL!!

I'm so excited to be starting this new series on myths in high school and whether I think it's true or not. While reading this, please remember that we will not agree on everyone of these myths and we don't have to. If you have a different opinion so be it, I commend you for your ability to defend it..

Myth: The friends you start high school with aren't the same you walk out with. True? False?

False, I'm not sure if this is a King's Ridge thing only or what, but I feel like this myth is false. You walk into your first year of high school with literally NO IDEA of what is going on and who you are friends with. Chances are you lost some friends between the switch from middle to high school and are feeling like you have to start over.

For me, I've had a pretty consistent friend group since 9th grade and I think that's why this is so false. People leave your school, two of my really close friends left KR at the start of our junior year and you'd think that it would've rocked my world. Honestly, it did, I didn't know how things would change for my obviously much smaller friend group. People change as you go throughout high school, you grow closer with some people and farther with others and it all depends on how your personalities grow and change and the situations that happen while in high school. I think that is honestly the most important lesson and the only way that this myth will stay false. It's important and almost vital to know that people you want to be forever friends with will change and a forever friendship doesn't happen overnight. And don't get me wrong, friendships (especially ones you want to last) are hard work. If you want to maintain a friendship all 4 years you have to stay committed to each others lives thru breakups, family struggles, and growing up. I've found that my strongest friendships are the ones that start with honesty, laughter and open communication.

As much in my own life I want to believe this myth is false, I know that in some situations it isn't. We never want to think this actually happens, but girls choose boys over their friends and girls choose new friends over the old, reliable, trustworthy friends every single day. Unfortunately, this is where the myth goes from black and white to a little grey. You have to value the strong friendships you have  worked for and remember who those friends are and why you called them friends in the first place. Quality over quantity, y'all.

Lessons Learned (so far):
1. Petty girl drama will always exist, you gotta choose your battles. Can't fight 'em all.
2. Never abandon your girlfriends, regardless of their stage of life.
3. Sisters before misters, I thought this was girl code, hello!! 
4. Surround yourself with friends you want a forever friendship with, it'll help with all of the above. 
5. Make sure the friends you choose are ones that are there to benefit you.

I couldn't do high school without the friends that stand with me today. I hope to be the friend that stands by your side regardless of the situations.

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